What to Expect
Visiting a church for the first time can sometimes be a confusing experience. You open the doors and walk in, and you may not immediately know anyone, but the church is full of friends you have not met yet. At St. Michael’s, you will be warmly welcomed as you are welcome in the church. At St. Michael’s, everyone is welcome, no matter who you are.
Feel free to contact the Parish Office through email or call us with any questions you may have. All your questions are welcome, and Father George would be happy to talk with you.
What time are services on Sunday morning?
The church is open at 8:45 AM, a great time for meeting new people, silent prayer, or listening to our beautiful choir practice. The Holy Communion service begins at 9:30 AM and includes music led by the choir. The hymnals are in the pew in front of you, and you are welcome to sing along. If you like to sing, you are welcome to join the choir. The service follows the bulletin you were given upon arrival and includes the readings and prayers for the entire service.
How long do services last?
The service usually runs about an hour.
What about communion?
We celebrate the Holy Eucharist or Communion every Sunday, and all are welcome. Everyone is welcome to come forward and either stand or kneel at the altar rail. If you wish to refrain from drinking the wine, say “no thank you” as the cup passes. If you simply want to receive a blessing, stand or kneel at the altar rail with arms crossed over your chest.
Where can I park?
We are located at 78 Pleasant Street in Auburn – the red church on the left of the one-way street. You can park in the church parking lot to the left of the church in the back of the parking lot. You may also park across the street from St. Michael’s in the parking lot of the law offices of Linnell, Choate, and Webber, or you may park on the right side of Pleasant Street.
The church is handicap accessible, and the ramp may be found in the rear of the church where there is handicapped parking.
Do you offer programs for children and youth?
Children and youth of all ages are always welcome to worship at St. Michael’s. Sunday School is available each week from 9:20 to 10:20 AM. Sunday School for kids from preschool to grade 6. Sunday School is not in session during the summer.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. There’s no dress code. Some people dress up in their Sunday best, while others wear jeans or shorts. Whatever feels comfortable and appropriate for you is fine. Jesus Is more concerned with our hearts than our outer appearance.