Our Ministries and Programs
Current Groups/ Programs at St. Michael’s
Altar Guild : A small group of women who work diligently to prepare our church for liturgical worship, keep our brass shining, our linens “white as snow” and our supplies regularly “filled up”. Altar Guild members see their labor not as a series of “chores” but as a means of offering a special ministry to St. Michael’s and God.
Eucharistic Ministers are in various categories. There are Worship Leaders who lead the Daily Office and Special non-Eucharist services. In addition, we have Eucharistic Ministers who assist by administering wine at Holy Eucharist. here are Eucharistic Visitors who bring the bread and wine to nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound. We hope to begin training them soon. We have very capable young people and adults serving as Acolytes.
Education Programs; Sunday School for children from preschool to grade 5 meets at approximately 9:00AM each Sunday in two classes. Parent volunteers provide the good teaching of a lectionary based program.
With the solid accompaniment of our beloved organist, Jonathan Whitmore, we make very good music from Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love and Praise, and Taize.
A number of Committees and commissions help our vestry keep the parish in order. Finance committee, is advisory to the vestry on budgeting, saving, investing, and spending. The Memorials Committee is seeking to fine tune the terms under which Memorial Gifts both designated and undesignated are accepted, invested and used in a prudent manner. The Hospitality group is currently discovering ways of making our church more welcoming (Can new attendees who may not be Episcopalians easily find their way around the service.?)