- St. Michael's Church
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in the heart of Auburn serving a diverse population of God’s people with faith, love and joy.
All are invited to God’s table and fellowship. We welcome those from many backgrounds into our time together on Sunday. We worship weekly and pray daily. We remember who we are in God’s Spirit. Our children acolyte, sing and participate in Christian Education.
On Sundays, we gather in-person for worship and livestream to Facebook and YouTube.
Heart of Community
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is found in the heart of our community of Auburn, Maine among a neighborhood, two other churches, and a diverse population of God’s people.
We cherish our Sunday morning worship, children’s Sunday School, a choir sharing Wonder, Love and Praise through our Holy Eucharist, and ministries that carry us through the week to energize our faith.
Blessing of the Pets
Blessing of Pets at St. Michael’s. God’s and the Church’s love, care, and concern for creation. As we recognize our mutual interdependence with God’s creatures, the Church’s witness of creation is strengthened.